(Jovial x Accomplishment)2 = JAJA
From the experience working alongside with numerous start-ups, we realized that the objective entrepreneurs started their new businesses is not only profit driven. There are visionaries who want to fulfill their ideas by motivating everyone to work together towards the one goal. What we need to do is to step into their shoes, be in alignment with their perspective and vision by embracing the dynamism. By doing this, we will be able to deliver to our potential business partners services and advice that are not only authentic but also absolutely customized to their individual needs. We aim to build long term partnerships and see it as our mission to increase value to our partners.
Our dedicated team members are a fusion of elite professionals with decades of experience in accounting, company secretary, finance and corporate advisory, all coming from proficient diverse backgrounds such as Big Four accounting firms, venture capitals, and multi-national listed companies.
Throughout the years, we have supported and worked alongside with a variety of start-ups and pre-IPO companies in achieving their objectives of striving for successful growth. Unlike the majority of traditional businesses, start-ups are distinct in unconventional ways and come in various forms requiring specific necessities. We fully acknowledge the importance of understanding their uniqueness and culture, our unique experience enables us to provide truly constructive advice to help them with their development and expansion.
Our team has been assembled to focus on this particular segment, supplying start-up companies with tailor-made services to nurture their businesses with appropriate and strategic guidance.