- Advising on and preparing documentation for corporate restructurings
- Acting as the nominated a secretary of the Company
- Advising the establishment of new overseas companies
- Provision of guidance, conformity and the information necessary for registration
- Attending directors’ and shareholders’ meetings and preparation of meeting minutes Provision of registered office, principal place of business address, correspondence address, resident secretary, authorized representatives and process agent services
- Maintenance of statutory registers and records
- Maintenance of statutory minutes Opening of bank and investment accounts
- Managing employment visa applications
- Handling trademark registration
- Facilitating various corporate adjustments such as change of directors, secretary or auditor and company name, change in bank signing arrangements, transfer of shareholdings, alteration of capital structure and constitutional documents
- Share allotment
- Providing a company search
- Applying for de-registration of a company
- Dissolving the company
- Bookkeeping and maintenance of accounting books and records
- Periodic and annual financial statements
- Management reports
- Budget allocation
- Accounting review and consultancy
- Financial ratios analytics
- Preparing cash flow forecast

Tax planning is important as it allows the company and individuals to minimize expenses for future development and expansion. Whether you are an individual, sole proprietor, company partner or shareholder, as your Tax Representative, we are dedicated to effectively assist you with your tax return filing and planning. Recently, the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department has expanded the audit and investigation teams in order to fight against tax evasion or avoidance. Consequently, we will assist our clients in handling different types of tax objection and investigation cases.
Our Tax Service includes:
- Act as Tax Representative for clients
- Assistance in tax return filing
- Advice on profits tax for limited companies
- Advice on tax planning for sole traders, partnerships, and individuals
- Advice on the estate and stamp duty planning
- Assistance in handling inquiries from the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department
- Assistance in tax objections and appeals
- Advising on tax planning

- Account signatory services to arrange settlement of payment obligations
- Statutory audit
- Internal audit
- Project audit
Due diligence is an important information gathering process for the investors to evaluate the target company and its financial performance and position before entering into a transaction. It allows investors to gain a better understanding of the financial status and the potential risks involved in the contemplated transaction, in order to mitigate potential damages and enhance success in the transaction.
Scope of our financial due diligence assistance:
- Perform financial analysis, review financial statements and all related accounting records
- Review all statutory records and tax related matters
- Review major agreements or related contracts
- Obtain details of related parties and review the related party transactions
- Site visit and perform physical inventory count (as needed)
- Identify potential issues, unrecorded or understated liabilities, and unpaid commitment, etc.
Due Diligence Management
- Assist with the preparation of information to be utilized in due diligence phase, including but not limit to organization and management, service products, sales, employee-related, operation, financial, tax, etc.
- Assist with the management of the entire due diligence process, including information exchange, people communication, management discussion and/or presentation, Q&A, etc.
- Discussion of the questions raised by the Potential Buyers and the due diligence team; assisting with the preparation of the contexts and forms of correspondence.
- Act as your main liaison with Potential Buyer and the due diligence team so appointed.
- Advisory on solutions regarding the issues identified by the Potential Buyers which may affect the Transaction, including the adjustments on the price, deal structure, etc.